We’re thrilled to announce ROK&WTR Frozen Treat Co.’s newest location for your enjoyment! Come visit us for refreshing and delicious frozen treats.

3722 SE Ocean Blvd 
Sewalls Point, FL 34996 
Monday – Sunday 11am – 8pm

Our Name

There’s a story in the Bible where Moses and the Israelites are wandering in the wilderness and they were complaining

about many things but one of them was that there was no water. Moses prayed to God and God tells Moses to take Aaron, his staff and gather the people and before them tell the rock to bring forth water. 

So Moses gets Aaron, grabs his staff and then gathers the people. He then hits the rock two times with his staff and water begins to pour out. 

It’s a miracle, right? 

Well, sort of.

God told Moses to “tell” the rock to bring forth water but Moses “hit” the rock instead… and he he hit it twice. 

God then tells Moses and Aaron that because they didn’t trust God and do exactly what he said he would do that they would never see the land promised to them. 

This is a story about faith and about trust and about doing what we have been called and created to do.  Our name ROK&WTR comes from this story and it reminds us to trust and to believe and to obey.  We want To impact entire neighborhoods and entire nations and that is why a portion of ROK&WTR sales will help fund community development projects here and around the world by supporting go.build.love. 

You can learn more about go.build.love. and its mission to build stronger communities on top of water by visiting gobuildlove.org.

Our Mission

Doing Good One Frozen Treat At A Time

ROK & WTR is a frozen treat company passionate about impacting our community and communities far way. A portion of every sale will go to support not only community projects in our own community but also gobuildlove.org in its mission to build stronger communities on top of water around the world.

Our Promise

We Promise: 

    • to provide the very best frozen treat experience you will ever have.
    • to provide very best and the freshest frozen treats you will ever have.
    • to treat you like our very best friends.
    • to do good; impacting entire neighborhoods and nations one frozen treat at a time.

Our Core Values

Be Nice.

We genuinely love people and believe being nice isn’t really hard for anyone.

Chase Dreams.

We dream about things that make us say WOW and worry about the HOW later.

Give Generously.

We believe in giving more than what is required. We are not only about impacting our community but communities far away too.

Everything Excellent.

We want to leave an impression of admiration, awe, and respect on others as a result of everything we do from our frozen treats to our customer service and everything in between.